
Kamadugha (Mouktikyukta)

The best combination of Mouktik Bhasma alongwith ingredients of Kamdugha is more powerful Sheetal, Pittashamak, Mastishkashamak. It alleviates irritation. Also very effective Ojovardhak, Deepan, Pachan, Balya & Hrudya

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Product Description

Pravala Bhasma 1 part, Shouktik Bhasma 1 part, Kapardika Bhasma 1 part, Shankha Bhasma 1 part, Shuddha Suvarna Gairik 1 part, Guduchi Satva 1 part
Amlapitta, Raktapitta, Sarvangadaha, Jwara, Bhrama, Mootravikar
5 gm, 10 gm, 250 gm, 1 kg, 10 Tab., 25 Tab., 500 Tab., 1000 Tab.


1 to 2 tablets 2-3 times a day with Usheerasava, Chandanasava, Sheetasudha or water

-Available in following companies-

Dhootapapeshwar Dosage – 1 to 2 tablets 2-3 times a day with Usheerasava, Chandanasava, Sheetasudha or water
Patanjali Experience the soothing effect of Kamdudha Ras on your stomach and enjoy lasting relief from acidity and ulcers.