

Method of preparation

  • Take the raw materials with measured quantity.
  • Wash and dry then powder the ingredients of kvatha dravya, haritaki and vidanga. Pass this through the 44 number sieve to obtain coarse powder.
  • Now wash another kvatha ingredients, mridvika and madhuka.
  • Clean dry and get powder form of all the ingredients of Prakshepaka dravyas. Pass this mixture through 85no. Sieve to get a fine powder.
  • As given specific amount of water to kvatha dravya, soak overnight, boil and reduce up to one fourth part. Now filter through muslin cloth and collect kvatha.
  • Add Sandhana dravya, guda to the kvatha, mix and filter.
  • Transfer the filtrate in a container and fine powder form of Prakshepaka dravyas.
  • Now seal the container mouth.
  • Place the container to the fermentation room. Check regularly to know the progress report of fermentation.
  • On its completion, filter the fermented material through muslin cloth.
  • Finally pack in air tight containers and keep for maturation.
  • Now store the bottle in cool place and protect from moisture and light.
  • The formulation is clear dark brown color liquid with aromatic odor and bitter taste.

Properties of Abhayarishta (Abhayarishtam)

Abhayarishta (Abhayarishtam) is a great ayurvedic formulation which is known to enrich with fruitful herbs especially, haritaki that contains effective phytochemicals. These play essential role in defensing against various infections. These phytochemicals are protein hydrolytes, gallic acid, B – sitosterol, tannic acid, flavonoids, sterols, resins, fructose, anthraquinones, terpinenes and many more. Due to these phytochemicals herbs are packed with properties such as purgative, antiviral, astringent, hypoglycemic, anti-oxidant, laxative, expectorant, carminative, antispasmodic and antibacterial. The carminative and antispasmodic properties calm the inner spasm and manage the condition of flatulence and bloating. Abhayarishta also has purgative and astringent properties which are effective to manage the problem of piles and fistula as constipation is further aggravating factor for them. As an astringent, this shrinks piles and enhances its healing power. The property of antioxidant is known to inhibit oxidation of molecules, hence reduces the production of free radicals. Therefore, these properties combine to manage various disease conditions.


  • Flatulence
  • Piles
  • Constipation
  • Fistula
  • Anemia
  • Loss of appetite
  • Indigestion
  • Worm infestation


  • For Adults:- 15ml to 30ml Abhayarishta by mixing it with the same quantity of water.
  • Infants:- Take 0.5 ml two times a day after a meal
  • Toddler:- Take 1 ml two times a day after a meal
  • For age 3-12:- Take 2.5 ml two times a day after a meal
  • Teenagers:- Take 15-20 ml two times a day after a meal


Generally with nil contradictions.

Sometimes cause loose stools, especially in patients with pitta body type.

Product Description

Abhayarishta (Abhayarishtam) is an ayurvedic poly herbal formulation. It contains many herbs but one of the major herb is abhaya or haritaki. It is sacred to lord Shiva. In Ayurveda it is known as king of medicines.

Haritaki is famous for its carminative, antispasmodic, carminative, purgative, antiviral, astringent, hypoglycemic, antibacterial, anti-oxidant, laxative and expectorant properties.