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Method of preparation of Ahiphenasava

  • Madhuka is fermented with water and Madhya is then distilled.
  • In Madhuka madya drug formulation, ahiphena, mustaka, jatiphala, indrayava and ela (water) are added.
  • These ingredients are allowed to remain in a close in a pot approximately for a month.
  • After then it is ready for use.
  • Place it in cool place and protect from moisture and light.

Properties of Ahiphenasava

It is poly herbal Ayurvedic medicine which is useful to manage the various problems related to intestine like diarrhea, severe gastroenteritis with piercing pain and dysentery. In the Gastroenteritis or stomach flu, Ahiphenasava is very effective. It helps to manage the symptoms like watery diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cramping, fever, nausea and headache. Anti-microbial action of this medicine helps to extrude the microorganisms which are responsible for acute diarrhea and dysentery. Use of this medicine helps to provide relief in the intestinal inflammation, especially in the colon region during diarrhea. It helps to control the mucus or blood in the stools. Ahiphena (Papavar Somniferum) herb is the major ingredient of this Ayurvedic medicine which helps in the healing of ulcers. Anti-inflammatory properties of this herb are very helpful to provide relief in joint pains. On the other hand, antipyretic action of this herb is good to manage the fever. It is also best indicated in urinary tract infections.


  • Sever Gastroenteritis with piercing pain
  • Acute diarrhea
  • Dysentery


Five to ten drops


It should be taken under prescription of doctor in conditions of pregnancy and lactation.

Avoid its use in kidney diseases and mental health problems such as depression.

Product Description

Ahiphenasava is known as an ayurvedic poly herbal formulation. Asava preperations contains self-generated alcohols.