Product Description
Ayaskriti (Ayaskruti) is an herbal formulation in which the word ayaskriti used to exhibit metals and minerals in a refined powder form, a nanoparticle form. It is a tonic in the condition of anemia. It is more commonly used in South India as a liquid Ayurvedic medicine. The word Ayas in sanskrit means Iron. The main mineral present in the ayaskriti is iron. Iron is an integral part of hemoglobin, about two third iron present in the hemoglobin. So very helpful to maintain blood and related disorders, immunity and more.
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Sarvajwarahar lauha (Swarn Yukt) is herbomineral Ayurvedic medicine in tablet or powder form for curing fever. This medicine is prepared by taking equal amount of twenty medicinal herbs and mixing with lauh bhasma (equal to cumulative amount of all herbs). All are mixed well by adding water and rolled in…
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