

Method of Preparation

All the ingredients are examined thoroughly for any foreign particles and are crushed to make a fine powder using a mixer grinder and sieved through a fine mesh and kept aside. Bhringraja swarasa was prepared by swaras abhava method given by adding 8 times of water in raw drugs and decreased to ¼ th of its entire quantity.

Swarasa was poured into a clean and dry stainless steel pot and ½ of the entire quantity of guda was mixed in it. Later, coarse powder of haritaki and prakshepa dravyas were added and stirred till completely dissolved in it. The mixture was poured into a 20 litres fumigated vessel and the cover the vessel with a lid tightly to ban the entry of any germs, the vessel is then kept in a dark, safe and dry place. Lid was air sealed using plaster of Paris. when the fermentation process was completed the seal was taken off and the supernatant fluid was filtered through a double folded cotton cloth in to another vessel and remaining half of the Guda was added and mixed till it became homogenous.

On the 45th day the process of fermentation is completed, the solution appeared to be clear, see through and the prakshepa drugs were settled at the base. Then it was gradually and slowly filtered with a cotton cloth. The end product appeared clear with a sweet and sour taste. Now the obtained solution was left untouched for 15 more days and after that it was poured carefully so as not to disturb its sediment and filtered. Now, the final product was poured in a 900ml jar and tightly sealed and kept away in a dark place.

Properties of Bhringrajasava (Bhringarajasavam)

Bhringrajasava (bhringarajasavam) ayurvedic formulation is very effective in case of respiratory problems. This is due the phytochemicals that are present in the herbs. These phytochemicals are flavonoids, polyacetylenes thiopenes, triterpenes, alkaloids, glycosides and stigma sterol etc. Due to these properties the formulation is enriched with properties like antioxidant, expectorant, anti-bacterial and anti-viral. The antioxidant properties are helpful in protecting the pulmonary tissues from the free radical damage that occurs due to air pollution. This preserves the structural integrity of the organ tissues and inhibit the free radicals. Bhringrajasava eases the breathing process by managing the damage in the air passages caused by allergens. Its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties help to clear the mucus present in the respiratory passages by destroying bacteria and viruses. These is known to kill bacterial strain like staphylococcus aureus and E. coli.


It is generally prescribed in respiratory disorders like bronchitis, cold, expectorant cough. It can also be given to children during urinary tract infections.


15ml to 25 ml mixed with equal amount of water twice daily after meals.

Product Description

Bhringrajasava (Bhringarajasavam) is an ayurvedic formulation which is primarily used to gain weight and to get rid of tiredness as in excessive leanness. It consists of 5-10% self -generated alcohol. It acts a medium to transfer the water and alcohol soluble active herbal substances present in the medicine to the body.