Makardhwaj-tablets-simple (1)

Kanakbindu Arishta

Method of Preparation

Clean and dry the herb for decoction and grind it to form a coarse powder. Add to 12.228 litres of water to form decoction. Filter it with a muslin cloth and add the Prakshepa dravyas [aromatic herbs] to it and stir to form a homogenous mixture. Now transfer this liquid to a ghee/clarified butter smeared pot, seal it tightly and move it to the fermentation room for a period of 1 month, constantly checking signals or hints of fermentation. After the process is completed, filter this and store it in dark bottles away from, light and dampness.


12 to 24 ml in equal quantity of water two times a day post meals.


  • Piles
  • Perianal abscess
  • Respiratory ailments
  • Skin disorders

Product Description

Kanakbindu Arista is an Ayurvedic formulation used to treat haemorrhoids, anal fissure, respiratory disorders, skin disorders to name a few. It also acts as an immunity booster and helps in making the skin look flawless. It is mentioned as Kanakrishta in Charak Samhita. It is not having Dhatura (kanak) as an ingredient. It is named so as it is useful for skin disorders as makes the skin as bright as kanak (gold).