
Parthadyarishta (Arjunarishta)


Its dose must be 12 – 24 ml. once or twice daily, recommended usually after food. If required it can be mixed with equal quantity of water.

Method of Preparation

These ingredients Arjuna tvak, Mrudvika, Madhuka are used in coarse powdered form and added with 49.152 liters of water. Then this mixture is boiled and reduced to 12.288 liters and filtered. It is further added with powders of Dhataki, Guda and is kept for fermentation. After confirmation that fermentation is over, their contents are filtered and stored in air tight containers.


It is stored in a cool place within a tightly closed amber colored bottle and is protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic Uses

Parthadyarishta extensively used as herbal cardiac tonic as well is useful in Lung diseases.

  • It strengthens the heart muscles and thus improves the efficiency of Heart.
  • It is rich in properties that make it to improve strength and help to cleanse intestines.
  • Also useful in the treatment of Chest injury.
  • It is also helpful in improving the capacity and strength of lungs.
  • Good in getting rid of weakness, fatigue and debility.
  • Provides energy when one is Feeling tired all the time.
  • Beneficial in Chronic respiratory distress.
  • Useful herbal remedy in case of Throat related diseases.
  • It can control mild to moderate hypertension.
  • This Ayurvedic medicine is capable of curing anemia.


  • There are no known side effects of Arjunarishta, as long as it is taken under professional advice and supervision.
  • It is safe to use this medicine in lower dose, in children above 5 years of age.
  • In pregnancy self-medication should be avoided. It is best to have it only under medical supervision.
  • During lactation period also it must be taken under doctor’s advice and that too for a short period of time.

Product Description

Parthadyarishta (Arjunarishta) is an Ayurvedic liquid form medicine which is commonly used as herbal heart tonic. Arjunarishta have 6 – 12 % of self-generated alcohol in it. This self-generated alcohol and the water in this herbal product work as a channel to deliver water and alcohol dissolved active herbal components to the body. It is also known by other name as Partharishtam, Parthadyarishtam, etc.