
Saribadyasavam (Sarivadyasava)

Method of Preparation

  • Coarse powder of ingredients is made and dissolved in water and then enclosed into an air tight container for about a month.
  • During this period fermentation occurs
  • Then the contents are filtered to obtain a clear liquid which is stored in a hygienic conditions.


15 – 25 ml once or twice daily, after food or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor.


  • Blood purifier.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Diabetes.
  • Urinary problems like dysuria and scanty urination.
  • Gout.
  • Skin diseases with the burning sensation.
  • Useful in treatment of dengue fever.
  • Regeneration of bone tissues.
  • Increases the cellular component of blood specially blood platelets.
  • Joint pains.
  • Syphilis.
  • Carbuncle.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Useful in curing the diseases of reproductive system.
  • Improves the digestion and assimilation.
  • Weakness


There are no side effects of this medicine. Although, it is best to use this medicine under medical supervision.

Product Description

It is polyherbal medicine which is also known as Sarivadyasava and Saribadyasavam. This medicine has the blood purifying qualities and acts as the natural blood detox. It is dark brown fermented liquid preparation which is astringent in taste. Main ingredient is Sariva (Indian Sarsaparilla) which is quite good to resolve the various health issues. Except this, various herbs like Musta, Shati, Padmaka, Lodhra, Nyagrodha, Ashwattha, Hribera, Guduchi, Ushira, Katurohini, Patra, Kushta, Svarnapatri, Shweta chandana, Rakta chandana etc are also used in the formulation of this ayurvedic medicine. Sarivadyasava is very useful in the treatment of all twenty types of Prameha, gout, diabetes, painful urination, diabetic carbuncles, boils and skin diseases etc. Moreover this medicine is very effective to cure the urinary problems like dysuria and scanty urination.