Product Description
Shrikhandasava is a special Ayurvedic liquid medicine. Though, it contains alcohol but it is used to treat the adverse effects of alcohol consumption. The major ingredient of this Asava medicine is Shrikhanda which is a synonym for Sandalwood (Santalum album). Many other herbs like Marich, Turmeric, Daruharidra, Jatamansi, Chitraka, Musta, Usheera, Raktachandana, Nagakeshara, Patha, Amla, Pippali, Chavya, Cardamom, Lodhra are also used in the formulation of this medicine.
It is used to treat the adverse effects of alcohol and other intoxicating drugs like hangover or the related problems like headache, alcohol intoxication and indigestion etc. It also helps to control the other diseases which are due to aggravated pitta.
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