

Method of manufacturing

  • Cow’s milk is boiled and cooled. Starter culture of curd is added to make curd.
  • Butter milk (takra) is prepared by mixing the curd and water in 3:1 proportion.
  • All the five salts and herbs coarse powder are also added in 1:3 proportion.
  • Ingredients are allowed to react for four days.
  • Container is placed in a dark place with lid covered with muslin cloth.
  • When the preparation gets ready, it is filtered through muslin cloth and stored in amber colored bottles.


  • Oedema
  • Abdominal tumor
  • Distension (swelling of abdomen)
  • Loss of appetite
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Impaired digestion
  • Abdominal pain
  • Improves the liver functions.
  • Weight loss or obesity
  • Piles
  • Parasitic infestation
  • Urinary tract disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Ascites


  • Adults – Take 12 – 24 ml, once or twice daily, before or after food, as suggested by physician, equal amount of water can be added to it.
  • For Kids – It can be safely given to children above 5 years of age.
  • Pregnancy and lactation – Use of this medicine is safe during pregnancy if taken under medical supervision.

Side effects

  • There are no known side effects of using this medicine.
  • If one suffers from worsening of gastritis with sour belching, then it is advisable for him to take this medicine after food, instead of taking before food.

Product Description

Takrarishta is the poly- herbal acidic fermented preparation from cow milk. This medicine contains the 5 – 10 % of self-generated natural alcohol in it. Presence of the self-generated alcohol and the water in the product serves as media to supply water and alcohol soluble the active herbal components to our body.

Use of this liquid Ayurvedic medicine is done in the treatment of Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), piles, intestinal parasites, low digestion strength, loose motions and various other digestive problems. Moreover, Takrarishta has the antimicrobial, absorbing (grahi), digestive and carminative properties. Hence this medicine can be used in the pathological conditions where antibiotics are not required.