

Method of Preparation

Firstly, the Kwatha dravya(decoction herbs) are washed and dried and is cut and crushed to form a coarse powder. This powder is now added to the given amount of water, boiled till it is reduced to 6.144 liters and then it is filtered to obtain kshaya (decoction). To this, decoction jaggery is added and mixed till fully dissolved. We will now add the Prakshepa dravyas (aromatic herbs) and stir to form a homogenous mixture. This decoction is transferred to a clean air tight jar which is thereafter sealed and moved to the fermentation room and constantly checked till the procedure reaches its stage of completion. After the fermentation process is completed, the decoction is filtered and stored in clean bottles away from heat, light and moisture.


12 to 24 ml mixed in equal amount of water after meals twice a day.


  • Cough
  • Asthma
  • Hemoptysis
  • Inflammatory disorders
  • Bronchitis
  • Epistaxis
  • Hoarseness of voice
  • Other throat or lung disorders


There are no known contraindications or side effects of this formulation. Over dosage should strictly be avoided.

Product Description

Vasarishta is a well-known herbal formulation. Its main ingredient is Vasa also known as Malabar nut. It is a strong mucolytic and anti-asthmatic. Hence Vasarishta is used to treat many respiratory disorders. It calms pitta and kapha. Vasarishtam has coagulative properties, therefore, it is also used to cure bleeding disorders like nose bleeding/epistaxis, haemoptysis. It is also called Vasakasav, Vasakasavam, Vasakadyarishtam, Vasarishta, Vasakarishtam.