
Gomed Mani Bhasma

Gomed Stone (Hessonite): Gomed Stone (also called Hessonite and Cinnamon Stone) is gemstone used in Vedic Astrology as well as in Ayurveda. In Vedic Astrology, it has importance because it represents RAHU Planet and it balances RAHU energy and its effects.

People born in month of January or with Aquarius Zodiac sign can use Gomed Stone for having success, wealth, fame, good health and spiritual benefits.

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Product Description

Gomed Stone Has Five Main Benefits

  1. Meditation: Increase meditative state of mind
  2. Wealth: Increases Financial Prosperity
  3. Righteous living: Make man and women righteous and preserve their morality
  4. Pleasures of the body: Balances worldly pleasures
  5. Nirvana: Salvation

General Information of Gomed Stone

Chemical Name Calcium Aluminum Silicate
Chemical Formula Ca3 Al 2 (SiO4)3
English Name Hessonite Garnet & Cinnamon Stone
Planet RAHU
Cosmic Color Ultra-Violet
Production Source Brazil, Sir Lanka & India

Benefits & Effects on Wearing

General Benefits
Balances mind and prevents mental disorders
Brings spiritual equilibrium and helps in spiritual growth
Nullifies effects of RAHU misalignment and prevents mental disturbances and inequalities
Brings positive thinking and positive energy in life
Protects from negative energies and vibrations
Improves attention span and boosts concentration
Gomed Stone calms the mind
Helps in professional growth
Good for people with Aquarius Zodiac sign
Gomed is also beneficial for people using their mind in research, thinking, making creative things
Beneficial for People with problems like
Marital disharmony
Mental Disturbance
Insecure personality
Heart Problems
Depression, Anxiety, worrying and other stress disorders
Hair Fall
Recurrent Infections of Eyes
Heart Palpitation
High Blood Pressure
Physical and mental weakness

Introduction to Gomed Mani Bhasma & Pishti

Gomed Mani Bhasma and Gomed Mani Pishti are prepared from Gomed stone. Both have same benefits and medicinal uses, but Gomed Mani Pishti has more cooling properties as compared to Gomed Mani Bhasma. Gomed Mani Bhasma is processed under heat and calcined to make bhasma, which also increases its absorption. In KAPHA-PITTA cases, Gomed Mani Bhasma is more helpful, but in NIRAM PITTA cases, Gomed Mani Pishti is more beneficial. Both can be used in place of each other if one is unavailable.

In ayurvedic medicine, Gomed Stone Pishti & Bhasma is used for neurological disorders and heart diseases. In neurological disorders, it is helpful in cases of epilepsy, paralysis, schizophrenia and insomnia. In heart diseases, it is beneficial in heart palpitation and heart arrhythmias (heart rhythm problems) especially tachycardia. Gomed Stone also gives relief from chest pain and lightheadedness.

Medicinal Properties

Gomed Stone Bhasma and Pishti have following medicinal properties:

  1. Strong Demulcent
  2. Antidepressant
  3. Brain Tonic – Nourish Brain
  4. Heart Tonic – Nourish Heart
  5. Adaptogenic
  6. Improves intelligence
  7. Digestive Stimulant
  8. Potency – VIRYA: SHEETA (Cold)

Therapeutic Indications

Gomed Stone Pishti & Bhasma is beneficial in following health conditions:

  1. Anxiety
  2. Depression
  3. Epilepsy
  4. Headache
  5. Schizophrenia
  6. Insomnia
  7. Memory Loss
  8. Mental Weakness
  9. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
  10. Heart Palpitation
  11. High Blood Pressure
  12. Tachycardia
  13. Fatigue
  14. Facial Paralysis
  15. Paralysis
  16. Hair fall
  17. Cancer
  18. Recurrent Infections of Eyes
  19. Hemorrhoids

Benefits & Medicinal Uses of Gomed Pishti & Bhasma

The main effect of Gomed Pishti & Bhasma is observable on brain, mind, heart, blood vessels and skin.