
Kanta Loha Bhasma

Kanta Loha Bhasma (Magnetic iron Calx) is an ayurvedic mineral-based medicine prepared from iron oxide. It is therapeutically useful in cases of iron deficiency anemia, jaundice, irritable bowel syndrome and hemolytic anemia.

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Product Description


Kanta Loha (Purified Iron Oxide)

Material used for purification of Kanta Loha:

  • Buttermilk
  • Kulthi (Macrotyloma uniflorum) Decoction

Herbs used during processing:

  1. Aloe Vera Juice
  2. Jambul Tree Bark

Chemical composition

Iron Oxide

Medicinal Properties

Kanta Loha Bhasma has following healing properties.

  1. Haematinic (increases hemoglobin levels)
  2. Hematogenic (helps in formation of red blood cells)
  3. Lowers bilirubin
  4. Fat Burner

Therapeutic Indications

Kanta Loha Bhasma is useful in following diseases.

  1. Iron deficiency anemia
  2. Hemolytic anemia
  3. General debility
  4. Jaundice
  5. Irritable bowel syndrome

Health Benefits & Medicinal Uses

Generally, Kanta Loha Bhasma iron compound used for anemia. Its bioavailability is higher than any other iron supplement. It promotes red blood cells formation.

Due to iron-based medicine, Kanta Loha Bhasma helps to compensate the iron requirement of the body. It does also improve the absorption of iron in the intestines to blood.

It also reduces anemia symptoms such as extreme fatigue, weakness, pale skin, and shortness of breath, headache, lightheadedness, tongue sores, cold hands or feet, palpitation, brittle nails etc. It improves appetite and reduces the craving for non-nutritious things like clay, earth or dirt.

Hemolytic anemia

Hemolytic anemia is an abnormal breakdown of red blood cells. It has two types based on causes.

  1. Hereditary (inherited) hemolytic anemia
  2. Acquired hemolytic anemia

Kanta lauha bhasma works well in case of acquired hemolytic anemia. However, it may be used in cases of hereditary or inherited hemolytic anemia (including thalassemia and sickle cell disease).


In ayurveda, iron supplements are also used to treat jaundice. Kanta Loha Bhasma helps lowering bilirubin levels in the blood and supports liver functions.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Kanta Loha Bhasma is a good remedy for irritable bowel syndrome with constipation. It cures constipation and reduces stomach upset and discomfort.

It is also used in arthritis, diabetes and chronic fevers.

Dosage & Administration

The dosage of Kanta Loha Bhasma is about 50 mg to 250 mg twice a day. Kanta Loha Bhasma dosage should not exceed from 500 mg per day.