
Precious Bhasma

In Indian pharmacopeia the precious Ratnas i.e. precious stones are supposed to be capable of binding with mercury. As therapeutic agents they are supposed to stabilize the body and delay the ageing process in addition to curing a number of somatic and psychic diseases. While astrologically they are understood to counter ill effects of the different grahas, in Ayurveda they are supposed to cure a number of diseases by establishing equilibrium of bodily humors i.e. dosas and tissue factors i.e. dhatus.

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Product Description

To be used as therapeutic agents they are first physically and chemically purified & detoxified by specific process by using specific organic substances and then converted in form of Precious Bhasma & Pishtee.

UMA AYURVEDICS PVT. LTD. is a proud Manufacturer of finest quality of the Precious Bhasma & Pishtee for last seven decades and ensures their continuous supply to esteemed customers at economical costs throughout the year. We specialize in offering Gomedmani Bhasma, Gomedmani Pishti, Manikya Bhasma, Swarna Bhasma and Rajat Bhasma.