Product Description
Swarna Bhasma is prepared from Gold and considered elixir. It is rasayana. It is best rejuvenator which promotes longevity and prevents the ageing. This Ayurvedic preparation has the properties like being aphrodisiac, brain tonic, adaptogen, immunomodulator, neuroprotective, tonic, antacid and hematinic. It is used in treatment of various diseases like infertility, cough, low appetite, asthma, fever, diseases of eyes, heart problems and tuberculosis and tissue wasting, etc. It is also used in the management of visha or poisoning. It provides the complexion, strength. It is quite effective to cure the diseases which are caused by the vitiation of tridosha – vata, pitta and kapha.
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In Indian pharmacopeia the precious Ratnas i.e. precious stones are supposed to be capable of binding with mercury. As therapeutic agents they are supposed to stabilize the body and delay the ageing process in addition to curing a number of somatic and psychic diseases. While astrologically they are understood to…
April 20, 2018
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Active Ingredients : Kajjali, swarna Bhasma, Moti Bhasma and Borax
February 1, 2018
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Indication: Energetic, Medhya (Memory enhancer), Improves body resistance and pacifies Tridosha. This medicine improves Physical, Mental strength and helps to relieve, chronic and complicated diseases. This is also useful in chronic fever, Cough, Breathlessness, Sluggish memory, Nervous weakness.
February 7, 2018
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