Swarna (Gold) Bhasma

Method of preparation

Swarna Bhasma is prepared from purified Gold. Purified Gold leaf is pounded with lemon juice and applied with a paste of Rasasindhura (Mercurial compound). It is kept in a closed container, heated in absence of air in 400 – 500 degree Celsius for 4 -5 hours to obtain Swarna Bhasma.

Swarna Bhasma Dosage

For Adults:-

Dosage is 15 – 30 mg per day.

The pediatric dose:-

  • From infancy to 5 year old – 5 mg per day.
  • From 5 – 10 years – 10 mg per day.
  • From 10 – 16 years – 15 mg per day.

Note – This medicine should only be taken strictly under medical supervision.


  • It is a natural aphrodisiac.
  • It improves intelligence, memory and speaking capacity.
  • It acts as the cardiac tonic and is a immune booster.
  • It has scraping effect.
  • Restores the sexual power lost through excessive indulgence or old age.
  • This is specially prescribed in hemiplegia and complete paralysis.
  • It is used in treatment of malabsorption syndrome.
  • Used to treat the heart diseases.
  • Rupture / weakness of ligaments.
  • Hoarseness of voice.
  • Useful to cure the weak eyesight.
  • Loss of memory.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Loss of libido.
  • Diseases of skin.
  • Mania/psychosis.
  • Tuberculosis, senility.
  • Restores quickly the complexion and beauty of the body.

Swarna Bhasma Side Effects

  • Self-medication with this medicine is dangerous.
  • Take this medicine in precise dose and for limited period of time, as suggested by doctor.
  • Keep out of reach and sight of children.
  • Store in a dry cool place.
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Product Description

Swarna Bhasma is prepared from Gold and considered elixir. It is rasayana. It is best rejuvenator which promotes longevity and prevents the ageing. This Ayurvedic preparation has the properties like being aphrodisiac, brain tonic, adaptogen, immunomodulator, neuroprotective, tonic, antacid and hematinic. It is used in treatment of various diseases like infertility, cough, low appetite, asthma, fever, diseases of eyes, heart problems and tuberculosis and tissue wasting, etc. It is also used in the management of visha or poisoning. It provides the complexion, strength. It is quite effective to cure the diseases which are caused by the vitiation of tridosha – vata, pitta and kapha.