Tridhata Bhasma

Tridhata bhasma is an Ayurvedic medicine useful in various types of menstrual disorders in females. It is also used for diabetes mellitus, diabetes inspidus, backache and impotency.

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Product Description


Tridhata bhasma is an Ayurvedic medicine useful in various types of menstrual disorders in females. It is also used for diabetes mellitus, diabetes inspidus, backache and impotency.

Active ingredient of tridhata bhasma:

Sudh Nag ( Lead)

Sudh Vanga (Tin)

Sudh yasad ( Zinc)

Vanga (Tin) Bhasma: Tin is known as Vang in Ayurveda. Vang Bhasma is used in treatment of diabetes, Prameh, Medorog, liver diseases, cough, respiratory ailments, impotence, nerves weakness, spermatorrhoea etc. Its intake improves appetite, digestion, and health. It is useful in diseases that are caused by vitiation of Pitta and Kapha.

Naga (lead) Bhasma: Lead is known as Nag or Sisa in Ayurveda. Nag Bhasma is used in treatment of diabetes, Prameha, diseases of eyes, digestive disorders, urinary disorders, diseases of liver and spleen etc. Nag bhasma is a Rasayan. It improves appetite. It has beneficial effect in urinary tract disorders, impotence, nerves weakness and diseases caused by vitiated Vata and Kapha.

Yashad (Zinc) Bhasma: Zinc is known as Yashad. Yasad bhasma, is used in treatment of diabetes, prameha, Jaundice, respiratory ailments, cough, wound, Parkinson etc. It increases strength, potentiality, intellect and alleviates diseases caused by vitiated Kapha and Pitta.


  • Tridhata bhasma, is widely used in Ayurveda for the treatment of impotence, nervous disorders and as a tonic in genitourinary diseases. It improves sperm production, gives strength to nerves, and prevent spermatorrhoea. In diabetes, its use gives relief in pain in joints, digestive weakness, bloating, pain in head, stomach ache etc.
  •  It specially works on urinary and reproductive organs. It improves fertility in female and gives strength to uterus.
  • It is indicated in diabetes, prameha, nerves weakness, cough, respiratory ailments, bleeding disorders, diseases of skin, digestive impairment, general weakness, leucorrhoea and for improving fertility in both male and female.

Indication of Tridhata bhasma:

It is useful remedy for urinary disorders,Polyuria, diabetes mellitus, diabetes inspidus, nocturnal emission, general debility, backache and impotency. Also useful in various types of menstrual disorders in females.


125 TO 250mg to be taken twice in a day with water,milk, honey, ghrit, or as directed by the physician.

Side effects:

There are no  side effects with this medicine. However it is best to use this product under medical supervision.


Avaliable in 10 gm packs.