
Nirgundi Leaves(Five leaved chaste)

Nirgundi is a herb, having very comparable look as Basil. It is an Ayurvedic herb with various medical advantages in it. A number of us are still ignorant of it. Give us a chance to see the medical advantages of Nirgundi.

In Ayurveda, Nirgundi/Five leaved virtuous is a phenomenal and supernatural herb. The power and adequacy of the herb is likewise portrayed in the books of Charaka Samhita.

It is 6-12 ft tall, multibranch rugged plant secured with fine hairs. The bark of stem is thin and the leaf stalk is long and 3-5 leaves develop at its tip. The edges of the leaves are plain or serrated. It bears little blooms, in 2-3 inch long inflorescence and are blue or white in shading with purple tint.

Product Description

The natural products are little, round and of blended shading; white and dark. The bark of the root is green outside and yellow inside.

Where the plants are found?

Wild plants of Nirgundi are discovered all over the place. At the point when its leaves are pounded, they discharge an ordinarily foul smell. In view of blossom sorts, there are two assortments of this plant-blue and white-bloomed.

Blue bloomed plant is called Nirgudi and white-blossomed plant is called Siduwar.

It supresses kapha, vata, reduces vata and calms torment. It is an extremely celebrated therapeutic herb for vata related issues. It upgrades insightfulness. It is anthelmintic and executes worms and small scale life forms.

It advances processing, fortifies liver and cures bronchial asthma. It is antipyretic and particularly cures high fever. It likewise advances physical quality and cures eyes and nose related issues.

Different names

  • English name-Five leaved pure
  • Hindi name-Samhalu, Meudi
  • Sanskrit name-Sinduvar, Nirguni, Sinduk
  • Marathi name-Nigad, Nirgundi
  • Telugu name-Tellavavili
  • Kingdom-Plantae
  • Family name-Verbenaceae
  • Plant name-Vitex nigundo

Presently, let us discuss the medical advantages of Nirgundi herb. It is truly otherworldly and rich in wellbeing advancing advantages.

Medical advantages of Nirgundi herb:

  1. Treats Mental scatters
  • Give 2-4 gm powder of its natural products, 2-3 times each day.
  • It cures issue of nasal sections and psyche.
  1. Accommodating in Throatache-
  • Utilize the decoction of Nirgundi for swishes.
  • It cures all the throat and mouth related disarranges.
  • If there should arise an occurrence of sharpness and swelling of throat, blend its oil in marginally warm water and add some salt to it.
  • Utilize this water for wash.
  • It cures the throat issues.
  1. For Ear issues
  • If there should arise an occurrence of discharge in ear, put 1-2 drops of nirgundi sedated oil, blended with nectar in ears.
  • It treats soon and viably.
  1. Cures Chronic rhinitis-
  • Heat up its 10 gm leaves in 100 ml water and offer it to the patient, each morning and night.
  • It cures fever and endless rhinitis viably.
  1. Treats Liver issue
  • In liver expansion, give 2 gm powder of Nirgund with 1 gm dark myrobalan and 10 mg bovine’s pee.
  • Alternately, give 2 gm Nirgundi powder with 500 mg dark kutki and 500 mg rasot, twice per day.
  1. Cures Headache–
  • Crush its leaves and get ready cake of the glue and tie it on ear projections.
  • It cures cerebral pain.
  1. Improve absorption control
  • Give 10 ml juice of its leaves with 2 dark peppers and Ajwowan, twice per day.
  • It upgrades the processing power and calms stomach torment.
  • It is additionally useful for swelling in stomach brought on by heartburn or gathering of wind and stomach torment.
  1. For Eased conveyance
  • Crush its leaves and apply the glue on stomach, mid-region and vaginal zone.
  • It brings about simple conveyance.
  1. Recaptures Good wellbeing
  • Give 10-20 gm of ghee cured by the juice of its root, foods grown from the ground consistently.
  • It recovers great wellbeing furthermore builds hunger.
  1. Increments Sexual power
  • Crush 40 gm each of foundation of Nirgundi and dry ginger powder.
  • Get ready 8 measurements of it.
  • Give 1 measurement day by day with drain.
  • It enhances the sexual strength of the individual.
  1. For Long life/Enhanced resistance
  • Cook 1 liter of Nirgundi squeeze in low warmth, till it turns out to be thick similar to jaggery syrup.
  • Store it in water/air proof compartment and give this consistently 2 teaspoon, for 3 months.
  • Inside 3 months of utilization, the patient recaptures energy and long life.
  • It likewise purify asthma, tuberculosis and other respiratory ailments.
  1. Helps in Slipped circles
  • Give 5 gm powder of its bark or give 20 gm decoction of its clears out.
  • You can set up the decoction by cooking the leaves, on low fire thrice a day.
  1. Treatment for Fever-
  • If there should arise an occurrence of fever because of serious chilly and pneumonia, knead its oil.
  • You can make the oil more viable by blending ajowan and 1-2 garlic buds in it.
  • Warm the oil marginally and utilize.
  1. Supportive in General shortcoming
  • Back rub of its oil is extremely advantageous when all is said in done shortcoming and issue of legs.
  1. Accommodating in Filariasis-
  • Granulate thistle apple, castor oil plant’s root, spreading hogweed, bark of drumstick plant and mustard.
  • Frame a glue of it and apply on the influenced territory.
  • It cures even the perpetual elephantiasis and filariasis.
  1. Helpful in Goiter-
  • Granulate its leaves to frame juice.
  • Give 10-20 gm of this squeeze each morning and night.
  • Likewise give warmth with its takes off.
  • It is helpful in curing goiter.
  1. Soothes Tumor-
  • Warm its leaves and tie on the tumor.
  • It breaks up the tumor.
  1. Treats Wounds-
  • Apply the sedated oil of its root and clears out.
  • It cures ulcers, scabies, tingling and a wide range of wounds.
  1. For Flaky dry skin-
  • Amid winters, our skin gets flaky and dry. In this one can utilize the oil.
  • Regularly, apply this oil on the general body and face.
  • It makes your skin delicate and young.
  1. Helps in Tetanus-
  • Give 3-5 gm of its juice with nectar, thrice a day.
  • It cures lockjaw successfully.

So here we saw the 20 medical advantages of Five leaved modest or Nirgundi plant. On the off chance that you are additionally experiencing any of the sickness recorded above, then should try nirgundi out.

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