

Achiote could be a little-known herb within the western world. Central and South yank natives originally used the seeds to form red body paint and lipstick. For this reason, the achiote is usually known as the lipstick tree. except for thousands of years, achiote has been wont to cure and stop minor and serious diseases. As studies still be conducted, achiote might become one in every of the foremost vital super foods of the longer term.

What is achiote, exactly? Achiote is that the common name for the seed that grows within the fruit of the achiote (Bixa orellana) tree. In nature, the achiote is often found in South America and therefore the Caribbean and a number of alternative areas wherever the weather is tropical or subtropic.

Product Description

Benefits of Achiote/annatto


Achiote Seeds

In fall, the achiote fruit ripens and falls right off of the tree. The fruit itself isn’t edible. however the seeds within ar. The edible pulp round the seeds tastes like recent pepper with a touch of nutmeg sweetness. it’s usually dried, ground and infused into oil to form a concoction known as annatto. Annatto is often additional to dishes to punch up the flavour in American and occupant preparation.

Although you’ll not have tasted the spicy flavor of achiote, you have most likely consumed it before. Achiote’s widest industrial use is as a natural food product made of the seed’s coating. several orange or yellow factory-made foods ar coloured with achiote. Natural and processed cheeses, butter and oleomargarine, cakes, cookies, snacks and cereals ar all usually coloured with achiote. Foods coloured with achiote seed ar labeled  “colored with annatto”.

The bright yellow color of Achiote is attributable to its high bixin levels. Bixins ar powerful carotenoids just like the kind found in carrots. Most annatto is seventy to eighty p.c bixin by weight. The brighter the annatto mixture, the upper the bixin content.

One of the foremost powerful edges of carotenoids is their ability to guard eye health. actinic ray rays ar all over. whereas they heat and illuminate the world, the conjointly harm your eyes. Carotenoids like bixin enter the attention and facilitate them to soak up harmful rays and stop cataracts and premature visual defect.

The carotenoids are potent antioxidants. Antioxidants forestall the signs of ageing by fighting off the free radicals that destroy cells. Carotenoids conjointly shield general health. Studies show that folks UN agency eat carotenoids from natural sources like annatto suffer from fewer chronic diseases and live longer on the average than people who ar missing carotenoids from their diets.

Achiote Leaves

The native tribes within the South yank countries wherever achiote grows were the primary to get achiote medicative properties. whereas the seeds have the foremost vital preparation use, achiote leaves were the primary a part of the tree used as Associate in Nursing herb. The leaves have variety of medicative properties that heal external also as internal ailments.

Achiote leaves have medication properties. once a boiling is created from achiote leaves and alcohol and applied locally to the skin, it soothes variety of skin disorders, infections and harm as well as rashes, burns, cuts and alternative ailments. The boiling also can be used as a duct douche to cure duct infections.

When eaten, achiote leaves give even additional edges. Achiote leaves ar one in every of the richest sources of tocotrienols presently glorious. Tocotrienols ar vital as a result of they limit the liver’s ability to provide LDL cholesterol. that is the reasonably sterol that clogs arteries and causes heart attacks.

The leaves’ astringent or medication properties conjointly create it a potent biological process aid. A tea steeped from the leaves of the achiote tree facilitate to prevent diarrhoea and alleviate the symptoms of infectious disease. 3 daily cups of tea conjointly improve general biological process issues or discomfort.

The additional scientists investigate achiote leaves, the additional edges they notice. Recent studies reveal that each one components of the achiote plant have hypoglycaemic properties. A daily eaten dose of a tea created out of the achiote leaves or roots cut back glucose levels and stop spikes in glucose once a meal.

In fact, medical studies of the powerful healing properties of achiote ar simply starting. So far, the anecdotal proof suggests that achiote might have bound properties that fight glandular carcinoma. for hundreds of years, shamanic healers in South America have used a tea made of achiote leaves to form a robust tea consumed thrice daily.