Best Food For Health : Oatmeal

look at oatmeal and see magic — in terms of both taste and health.

Fights Anemia

Oatmeal is full of iron, which can help combat anemia.

Anemia happens when your body lacks red blood cells.

Symptoms of anemia include fatigue, pale complexion, swelling of the tongue, tingling in the legs, shortness of breath, dizzy spells, and headaches.

Treatment of PMS

Oatmeal contains vitamin B-6, which is effective at relieving symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

This vitamin can help combat mood disorders associated with PMS because Vitamin B6 helps the body produce amino acid transmitters (such as dopamine and melatonin).

These key components determine your behavior and mood.

A daily helping of vitamin B-6 can help reduce moodiness and depression that’re commonly associated with PMS.

Reduces the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease

In addition to fighting overeating, the beta-glucan in oatmeal may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

A 19-year study in the Archives of Internal Medicine revealed that fiber-rich foods can help prevent heart disease.

Participants were shown to have a significantly lower chance of developing coronary heart disease.

Assists in Brain Function

Oatmeal contains 6mg of iron per 100-gram serving.

Iron is essential for healthy brain function because it supplies oxygen to the bloodstream.

This oxygen is transferred throughout the body (from cell to cell) to perform basic bodily functions.

The brain uses 20% of this oxygen in its functions.

Therefore, it helps the brain stay alert and increases physical performance in the body.

Iron also heavily contributes to brain health in developing infants.

Helps Prevent Migraines

Studies show that those who suffer from chronic migraines often show lower levels of magnesium than those who do not.

Therefore, a healthy balance of magnesium may help prevent migraines .

Magnesium is one of the Top 5 most plentiful minerals found in the body, and it’s essential for proper nerve function.

One cup of cooked oatmeal contains 15% of the daily recommended intake of magnesium.

Removes Excess Carbon Dioxide

The recommended daily intake of sodium in a healthy adult is 1500 mg.

Oatmeal contains 49 mg of sodium per 100 grams.

Sodium is essential for removing excess carbon dioxide in the body, which can result in respiratory problems , damage to the nervous system, hypercapnia, and cell damage.

Muscle Disorders

Oatmeal contains 61 mg of potassium per 100-gram serving.

Commonly associated with bananas, potassium is required for the healthy contraction of muscles.

Ions released by potassium are found in muscle cells.

These ions assist with reflexes, as well as the functions in the brain and nervous system related to muscles .

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